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Pluck RSS Reader Shut Down Notice

Consumer RSS reader services will be discontinued January 5, 2007.

All versions of Pluck’s RSS readers for Internet Explorer, FireFox and Pluck’s web edition will be discontinued on 1/5/2007. The RSS Readers have served our community of end users well for several years, but with Pluck’s focus in other business areas, the venerable RSS readers are set to be retired from our product line.

Over the next two months, you will have the opportunity to export your RSS feed subscriptions to other RSS readers of your choosing.

Please see the instructions on this page for details on how to export your subscriptions and bookmarks (Windows only) for use in other readers.

You have until 1/5/2007 to export your data, after which our servers will be turned off and your data will be deleted. Note that the Pluck RSS readers are not supported for use on the new releases of IE (version 7) and FireFox (version 2).

The good news is that RSS reading capabilities continue to develop across the web. You can get them by default in all of your favorite browsers, and RSS-based news reading capabilities are rapidly being baked into your favorite web sites — for example, visit www.foxnews.com/mynews to setup a personalized portal of your favorite news and other content from around the web using Pluck’s MyNews embedded content aggregation service for publishers.

We hope you enjoyed using our readers as much as we enjoyed building them for you. We look forward to interacting with you in the future on publisher, media and portal sites using Pluck products.

Нарочно го преписвам, защото след врме ще изчезне и тази страница. А ми се иска да я имам за спомен и обеца на ухо. Просто хората вече си имат друг бизнес и хлопват капенците за льохмани, като мен. Жалко…. Все още Pluck има неповторена от други синхронизатори функционалност и лекота на работа. Ама вече, ще действам на принципа “парен от каша и  таратор духа…” – мисля да се спра на “Google bookmarks”. То ако и  те прецакат нещата, вероятно това ще е краят на Интернета, какъвто го познавам, т.е. ще ми е все тая, дали пазя връзки към някъде или не 🙂

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